Pipeline Technician

Pipeline technicians are responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of pipelines, terminals and associated equipment, including pipeline valve sites, mains, metering units and pump stations.

Pipeline technicians maintain, test, troubleshoot and repair pipeline equipment, associated computer programming, and electronic control systems used in pipeline systems. They monitor control systems for indications of system errors or failures including leak detection or pressure fluctuations.

Pipeline technicians conduct site-based activities that evaluate pipeline product measurement and quality. They also perform on-site preventative and corrective pipeline maintenance and damage prevention activities. Pipeline technicians conduct remote metering and other remote facilities operations.

Pipeline technicians utilize customer service skills in communicating with the public regarding right-of-way issues.

Pipeline technicians utilize computer applications and specialized programs to test pipeline system functions and maintain accurate records.

Pipeline technicians are employed by utility companies, petroleum companies, construction companies, maintenance contractors, and some engineering firms.

Employer may only require a high school diploma along with an established minimum level of technical knowledge and experience in pipeline operations and associated equipment. Other employers may require an associate degree in pipeline technology or similar field of study.

The People Behind The Pipeline – Maintenance and Integrity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-PooTpdcyw&t=21s
Get into Energy Career Profile: Gas Technician http://getintoenergy.com/gas-technician/
American Pipeline Contractors Association (APCA): http://www.americanpipeline.org/
Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL): http://www.aopl.org/
Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA): http://www.ingaa.org/
American Petroleum Institute – Natural Gas: https://www.api.org/oil-and-natural-gas/consumer-information/in-the-classroom/energy-resources

Images courtesy of DOE


Get Into Energy / Get Into STEM is a ground-breaking program designed to build awareness among students, parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and others about the value of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and the excellent career opportunities available in the energy industry.

Get Into Energy / Get Into STEM is managed by the Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD), a non-profit consortium of electric, natural gas, and nuclear utilities and their associations.

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